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Interaction design | UX/UI | in-app animation | Promo video


Planet.Earth aka Dot.Earth is a UK based platform for freelancers around the world to have a marketplace where they can sell, rent or buy services, equipment and collaboration, for all kinds of services and fields. As a fairly new initiative, its target is to have a global audience with its own intent of being revolutionary, in the way collaborations, networking and skill sharing is done on a global level


The objective of my part of the project was to create motion content that would reflect the nature of the platform, with the maximum reach and appeal possible. To achieve this, given that the platform is heavily gamified, I decided to go with immersive 3D. This brought out the gamification aspect, making the content engaging and immersive, leaving an impression from each interaction.

The tone taken to express this was from a user centered point of view, where We decided to take the user on a journey to explore the platform interaction and features, beyond the general know-how of what the platform does.


Within the grand scope of the project, 3 processes came out as a result of 3 different needs that were requested. With the mental model approach in mind, I worked to find a balance between animation and performance


Inspired by the mental model approach, I defined; 

1. Motion of purpose;

  • What does this mean
  • What do I do next
  • Confirmation and result (feedback/outcome of an action) 

2. Type of motion

  • Informative
  • Interactive
  • Feedback

Quality management, interaction consistency and change reconciliation was approached with the design process in mind

interaction design

In this portion of the project, ready UI design screens were provided, with a few exceptions where modifications and recreation was requested. With these design screens, my role was to define their interaction and behavior. This was done with demo materials which would be used in the next portion.

Interaction was defined for the various screens, with a focus on the primary functions and some hidden gems. To reflect the gamification aspect, which was executed in 2D and 3D, a smooth and responsive nature of motion was implemented, where each action had a bounce and interactive feedback. The tone taken was that of a first-person walkthrough, with a complementary voice over and background music


Campaign and promo videos

In this portion, the content made for interaction design was further improved, to make it even more immersive. Within interaction design, the motion needed a purpose that serves the user interaction, while in campaign and promotional, the objective is to make it stunning, fascinating and captivating enough to make it memorable and leave an impression. As such I decided to make it more 3D, which made it more fluid in exploring the various use-cases and functions supporting those use-cases.

The nature of the videos also had to reflect the gamification aspect, which was more evident here since more visual effects can be accommodated in a video more than on a platform-based application. The motion time and pacing was made to accommodate voice overs, sound effects and background music, which was done in post production

In-App animation

In this portion of the project, ready UI design screens were provided, with a few exceptions where modifications and recreation was requested. With these design screens, my role was to define their interaction and behavior. This was done with demo materials which would be used in the next portion.

Interaction was defined for the various screens, with a focus on the primary functions and some hidden gems. To reflect the gamification aspect, which was executed in 2D and 3D, a smooth and responsive nature of motion was implemented, where each action had a bounce and interactive feedback. The tone taken was that of a first-person walkthrough, with a complementary voice over, and background music


Take away

The objective of my part of the project was to create motion content that would reflect the nature of the platform, with the maximum reach and appeal possible. To achieve this, given that the platform is heavily gamified, I decided to go with immersive 3D. This brought out the gamification aspect, making the content engaging and immersive, leaving an impression from each interaction.

The tone taken to express this was from a user centered point of view, where We decided to take the user on a journey to explore the platform interaction and features, beyond the general know-how of what the platform does.

Style choice - 3D and Gamification

Motion of purpose (ease and pace) - bouce for interaction feedback

Research - Provided

Pre-production - Ready design screens

Production - Animation done fully

Post production - Music and VO outsourced